How to Stay Actively Involved in Your Child’s Education
The phrase “parent involvement” in children’s learning may conjure images of parents in the classroom eagerly helping children to make Easter baskets, sorting papers and putting them in the student’s mailboxes. Parental involvement in children’s learning is beneficial. The research shows that it leads to educational, social, and emotional outcomes for children. In addition, it contributes to overall positive attitudes, improved behavior and attendance at school.
Types of Involvement
As children grow up, the ways in which you can be involved in your child’s learning changes. The physical presence of you in the classroom is no longer essential, or necessarily effective to be involved in your child’s education.
In Evergreen School District, you can continue to learn what your child is learning in the classroom and this gives you an opportunity to be highly engaged in your child’s learning. You can do this through our awesome Parent University Program. If you have some knowledge as to what your child is learning in the classroom, you will feel confident and be able to engage in their learning at a very different level. This is definitely being involved in your child’s learning because the dialogue with your child will be much more diverse and meaningful. [Read more…]