Problem Solving with Our Teens

Problem Solving with Our Teens

Problem solving is a process that teens need to practice and perfect to deal with the everyday challenges that they face. Parents play an important role in helping their teens develop effective problem solving strategies.


Role models

We as parents and grandparents are role models for our teens. Teens observe how we deal with problems. They adopt the attitudes we demonstrate and the actions we take to cope with problems. Parents, we need to be aware of what we are teaching our teens through our example.


The Process

Here is a process for problem solving that may serve as a guide for parents.

  1. Listen without interruption to your teen as they describe the problem.
  2. Listen for how your teen is feeling about the situation.
  3. Ask questions and make suggestions to develop options for solving the problem.
  4. Ask questions and make suggestions to determine the consequences that may result from taking each option.
  5. Offer encouragement and support for the option your teen decides to take.
  6. Follow up to see how it went and to offer further support.


Gaining Independence

Our teens need our guidance as they navigate the challenges that come up in their lives. We can show them through our example that problems are temporary. We can guide them through the process and be there to provide emotional support. Eventually, our teens will be able to problem-solve for themselves as they move towards adulthood.


Please share your experiences problem solving with your teens. We would love to hear your perspectives.


With love and affection,


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