How Moms Care for and Support Their Children

How Moms Care for and Support Their Children


Through working with many mothers, I have become aware of how much moms care for their children. Often moms care for and support their children under very difficult circumstances.


Many of the moms who come to my parenting workshops are immigrants to this country. They often have a limited formal education and live in poverty. Yet, they are committed to supporting their children’s academic success. These moms come to my workshops to better understand their children’s growth and development.  They also want to understand what and how their children are learning in school, so that they can build a bridge between home and school.


Despite the barrier of language, I know many moms who contribute to school and district organizations such as ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee), DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee), PTA, School Site Council, LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) committees and others. Although difficult, these moms engage with these groups so that the needs of their children may be represented when decisions are being made about educational programs.


Most moms need to work in order to financially support their families. After getting to know other moms, they create informal support systems. These networks serve to keep them apprised of news from school that could impact their children. I am amazed when I see the extent to which moms will go to provide for their children’s physical, academic, and financial needs.


Moms Are Not Perfect


Sometimes, in my workshops, moms feel badly about ways they have dealt with their children or past decisions they have made.  I tell them that we all do the best we can with the knowledge we have. If their decisions have come from love and caring, their children will eventually understand their intentions. As they gain knowledge about parenting, they will have more options at their disposal when faced with problems in the future.


I want to honor the moms that work so hard to make life better for their children. I also want to honor those dads that play the role of mom in the lives of their children. I wish you all happiness and peace this Mother’s Day.


With love and affection,


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