How to Help Our Children Self-Publish a Book

How to Help Our Children Self-Publish a Book

You and your child can learn how to write, edit, typeset, and create a book that can be sold on demand or as an e-book through Amazon and at book fairs by completing the worksheet below. Then you can contact an independent publisher to edit, typeset, and help you market your book as the demand for sales is determined.

Book Writing Outline

Recently, my six-year-old grandson asked me to help him write a book on construction equipment. We completed the chart below and he proceeded to draw ten different types of construction equipment for his book. He then dictated to me how each piece of equipment was used to construct a building, road, or project in his community. I wrote the story as dictated to me in his words. I only asked clarification questions to complete an idea. Here is the book outline that we used to complete his story:

Title of Book:


Introduction: What is the book about?


What are the ten big ideas that you want included in your book?





















Conclusion: How would you summarize your story or what did you learn?


Do you need more information for your story and where can you find it?


How do you plan to illustrate your story with pictures, artwork, or photos?


Will you publish your book and who will edit, typeset, and distribute your book on demand?


Self-Publisher Services

Once we completed the book, we explored independent publishing options. These included:

  1. Amazon (KDP) e-book at
  2. IngramSpark at

Based on previous experiences when self-publishing the Yikes! Brandon Has Twin Sisters series, these publishers provide online templates for page layouts and added online guidance. They do not charge expensive prices for editing, typesetting, book cover design, copyrighting, and various marketing distribution options. Although we are very happy with our previous CreateSpace now KDP book publications, we decided that we would assemble our hand-written work and illustrations in a simple slide lock report cover for our reading enjoyment.

Self-Publishing Considerations

We have learned that self-publishing requires an extensive time commitment in attending book fairs, scheduling book readings, and promoting our books in various publications for awards and recognition. A self-published book requires extensive technical support services to ensure that the cover design, editing, and typesetting are competitive when compared to the millions of books being sold each year. Brandon and I are excited about our self-publishing adventures and look forward to more online writing in the future.

Much success with your writing adventures!

Grandma Mary Ann and Brandon

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