Finding Help for Academic Needs

Finding Help for Academic Needs

For some students, the start of school is an exhilarating feeling – new teacher, new friends, new subjects to learn. For other kids, the start of school brings about dread and despair – for all the same reasons! As a parent, how can you support your kids who are facing academic challenges?

Set up a consistent place and time to do homework

Kids thrive on structure. When they know what to expect, they feel safe. Set up a schedule where they know it is homework time. Have a place for them to complete assignments, whether it be in their room or on the kitchen table while you’re setting up for dinner. If the kids are going to grandma’s home or to an afterschool day care program, make sure everyone knows that getting homework done is a priority.

Look for an afterschool program or find a tutor

Did you know that it takes several modes of input before a concept finally sinks in? For information to click, sometimes it may take a second (or third) pass at the homework assignment. Look for afterschool homework programs – does your child’s school offer an afterschool homework club? Is there a drop-in program at the local community center or YMCA? It takes a village to raise a child and this is an excellent example of a time where reaching out to your community may be helpful.

Ask the teacher for assistance

Your child’s teacher is a wealth of information and is on your side for your child’s learning success! If you have concerns, schedule a meeting with your child’s teacher. The teacher can give you insight on your child’s strengths as well as give you some strategies and specific resources for working on his or her academic needs. If you have tried everything your child’s teacher has suggested and your child is still facing academic challenges, schedule a follow-up meeting. There may be other issues that your child is facing and a different intervention path may need to be explored with the school principal.

If your child is currently experiencing frustration because of academic needs, don’t give up! You are your child’s best advocate and cheerleader. When you show your child that you are there to support him or her every step of the way, they will appreciate the fact that you are looking out for their best interest. When you don’t give up on them, your children will learn to be resilient in facing their challenges, too.

Don’t give up!


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