Coronavirus: Expanding Our Shopping Options

Coronavirus: Expanding Our Shopping Options

We continue to adjust to a new normal as California slowly returns to more contact with our families, neighbors, and local businesses. Some of the changes impacting family members include:

  1. Stores are becoming more mobile. We are learning how to interact with retailers in new ways through curbside services, more online purchases, and home deliveries.
  2. As this mobility increases, drug stores will expand curbside services.
  3. Online purchases will become more cost effective as staffing is secured for added customer services that support bundling deliveries.
  4. Schools will adjust their fall programs through staggered class schedules to maintain social distancing protocols.
  5. Sporting events will be modified to ensure safety for players and possibly limited spectators.
  6. Communities will struggle on how to teach and train small groups to use face masks when in public.
  7. Child care services will need to be adjusted to smaller groups.
  8. And the overall emotional and social health of a society must continue to be monitored to ensure the healthy development of all.

These next few weeks will continue to impact all of us as we give back to our neighbors in need through networking, community services, ongoing financial support, and by being a good friend. This ensures that we will return to some level of normalcy in our daily lives.

Happy 4th of July!


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