Community Service with Our Children

Our Children’s Community Service

I just participated in a community service day at my grandchildren’s school. It was an evening of fun that included the following activities for children and their families:

  • Making cards for seniors
  • Creating dog toys
  • Decorating blankets
  • Making community garden decorations
  • Collecting clothes, books, and toys

My grandchildren loved making the dog toys. I had fun creating a greeting card for a senior and having my grandson teach me how to draw winter plants and decorations. The highlight of the day was watching my grandchildren learn with their friends. They learned more about those who do not have family and friends living nearby to care for them.

What Our Children Can Learn From Community Service Events

My learning from this event includes the following:

  • My grandchildren and their friends learned about the various types of community members that need help in their city.
  • The children learned about products and services that can provide added comfort to these community members.
  • Children can offer love and respect to their neighbors by sharing their art projects and greeting cards.
  • The products made by the children will provide seniors and others with the knowledge that their community loves them.
  • Children can support community services throughout the year.
  • Families can join together as a school community and help those in need on a regular basis.

paint-777289__340My grandchildren are fortunate that they attend a school that regularly participates in community services. I am excited to help with these special days and talk with my grandchildren about the love they share when they support those who need added services.

Please share your successes when participating in commmunity service activities with your children. We will share these successes in future blogs.

Warm regards,

Mary Ann

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