Celebrating Summer with Dad from Afar

Celebrating Summer with Dad from Afar

Summer play and camps are being cancelled. My grandson, Kenji, does not know when he will be able to see his father again because he works and lives in Thailand. This country has struggled with similar challenges in managing the coronavirus like the United States. Parents have been working from home since April. Many of the businesses have been closed and community members must wear face masks when they go out in public. Travel to the United States and abroad is radically restricted.

Adjusted Summer Activities

When considering these challenges, Kenji will participate in the following adjusted summer activities:

  1. Ongoing Zoom Karate classes
  2. No swimming lessons
  3. More distance learning activities, Lego play, and outdoor walks
  4. Cultural virtual activities that include performing arts

Online Options

As the summer activities expand for all our children, my grandson looks forward to sharing his summer adventures with his dad online. He will also have more opportunities to visit with friends online and while social distancing. Many happy explorations with your and your families this summer.

Warm regards,


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